RE:problems with brackets in declaration

Masaharu Goto (
Tue, 18 Aug 1998 22:01:00 +0900


>root [0] TF1 *(pks[100]);
>Error: No symbol pks[100] in current scope FILE:/tmp/08973aaa LINE:1
>*** Interpreter error recovered ***
>root [1] TF1 *pks[100]; - is OK
>But I think that the first way is also correct ?
>What I want is array of pointers, not
>TF1 (*pksa)[100];
>which also gives no error.

Sorry, this is a limitation. Please use typedef as follows.

root[0] typedef TF1 aryTF1[100];
root[1] aryTF1 *pks;

I hope this works.

Masaharu Goto