In my applications I would like to put large number of plots/
histograms into a single Postscript file. Below is a test macro
which crashes root on my X-terminal whenever number of plots/canvas
exceeds approximately 18. This is related to the fact that root
opens too many windows.
Is it a way to send plots only to Postscript file without
displaying them or use only a single canvas to display
multiple plots and append consecutive plots into a single
Postscript file.
One solution to this problem would be to scatter plots among multiple
Postscript files.
Any comments or suggestions?
Michal Lijowski
Michal Lijowski Washington University
Research Associate St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA
Department of Physics phone: 314-935-6285
Campus Box 1105 email:
//Reset ROOT
// Int_t type = 111;
Int_t type = 112;
// Int_t type = 113;
Int_t nentries = 6280;
Float_t xx[nentries], yy1[nentries], yy2[nentries];
xx[0] = -3.1415;
yy1[0] = sin(xx[0]);
yy2[0] = cos(xx[0]);
for (Int_t ii = 1; ii < nentries; ii++) {
xx[ii] = xx[ii - 1] + 0.001;
yy1[ii] = sin(xx[ii]);
yy2[ii] = cos(xx[ii]);
TPostScript ps("", type);
ps.Range(24, 16);
Int_t nplots = 20;
TCanvas *c[nplots];
char ctitle[10], gtitle[80];
for (ii = 0; ii < nplots; ii++) {
ps -> NewPage();
sprintf(ctitle, "c%d", ii);
// c[ii] = new TCanvas(ctitle);
c1 = new TCanvas(ctitle);
if (fmod(ii, 2) == 0) {
gr = new TGraph(nentries, xx, yy1);
gr ->SetFillColor(0);
gr ->SetLineColor(7);
gr ->SetLineWidth(2);
sprintf(gtitle, "Sine function Page %d", ii);
gr ->SetTitle(gtitle);
else {
gr = new TGraph(nentries, xx, yy2);
gr ->SetFillColor(0);
gr ->SetLineColor(12);
gr ->SetLineWidth(3);
sprintf(gtitle, "Cosine function Page %d", ii);
gr ->SetTitle(gtitle);
c1 -> Update();
// c[ii] -> Update();