Thanks for all previous responses. I still have one more
question regarding using filling multiple histograms like those
in dirs.C macro in tutorials directory. I need to fill one of
them based on selections depending on other entries in the
Below is a fragment of the macro reading ntuple and filling histograms.
// This is the loop skeleton
// To read only selected branches, Insert statements like:
t9000->SetBranchStatus("*",0); // disable all branches
t9000->SetBranchStatus("Dx2",1); // activate branchname
t9000->SetBranchStatus("Dy2",1); // activate branchname
t9000->SetBranchStatus("Dx2",1); // activate branchname
t9000->SetBranchStatus("Dy2",1); // activate branchname
// create histograms for dx2
char hname[20];
char htitle[80];
const Int_t xsize = 27, ysize = 27;
Float_t xmin = -1.2, xmax = 1.2;
Int_t nbins = 120;
for (Int_t yk = 0; yk < ysize; yk++) {
for (Int_t xk = 0; xk < xsize; xk++) {
sprintf(hname,"X_Band%2d_Hist%2d", yk, xk);
sprintf(htitle," H2 X plane X Band %2d Hist %2d ", yk, xk);
Int_t hidx = yk * xsize + xk;
TH1F *h2x = new TH1F(hname, htitle, nbins, xmin, xmax);
for (Int_t ii = 0; ii < Noevents; ii++) {
t9000 -> GetEvent(ii);
Int_t xk = (int) (Xx2 / 10.0);
Int_t yk = (int) (Yy2 / 10.0);
Int_t hidx = yk * xsize + xk;
// Here I want to fill a histogram number hidx. How do I do it?
// h2x -> Fill(Dx2);
Thanks in advance.
Michal Lijowski
Michal Lijowski Washington University
Research Associate St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA
Department of Physics phone: 314-935-6285
Campus Box 1105 email: