Why does this happen? Everything seems to be OK until I
try to extract an object on the consumer side with Get():
Memory mapped file: c:\sebControlMapFile.map
Title: SEB Shared Memory
Option: READ
Mapped Memory region: 0x1ed0000 - 0x1eef400 (0.12 MB)
Current breakval: 0x1eda000
Object Class Size
sebExtControl SEBExtControl 1024
sebConfig SEBConfig 1024
Error in <TMapFile::Get>: unknown class SEBExtControl
I've linked in my new classes already. Do I have to do something
to let the dictionary know about them?
- Peter
Peter Steinberg, Columbia University E-mail: peter.steinberg@cern.ch
Nevis Laboratories URL: http://wwwcn.cern.ch/~steinber
P.O. Box 137 Home Phone: (212)678-5971
Irvington, NY 10533 Nevis: (914) 591-2776 (fax 8120)