Undefined ref in makefile for Solaris egcs

Damir Buskulic (buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr)
Tue, 07 Jul 1998 11:27:16 -0400


I'm still turning around with solaris. I'm trying to build a makefile
that works to rebuild root with gcc (in fact egcs 1.0.2). I have the
bunch of undefined references that is shown below. Does somebody know
where are these defined ? I was supposing they where somewhere in libg++
or libstdc++. nope. I'm stuck (probably not the last time)

Thanks for any help


ospite@gacrux:src> CC -g -o /home/ospite/damir/root/bin/cint
MAIN_cppmain.o -L/home/ospite/damir/root/lib -lCint -lm -ltermcap -lgen
-ldl -lg++ -lstdc++
ild: (undefined symbol) filebufiPci -- referenced in
ild: (undefined symbol) sputbackc__9streambufc -- referenced in
ild: (undefined symbol) __11fstreambaseiimbufc -- referenced in
ild: (undefined symbol) _7filebuf.openprot -- referenced in
ild: (undefined symbol) attach__7filebufi -- referenced in
ild: (undefined symbol) __10ostrstreamiPciiufc -- referenced in

| Damir Buskulic                  | Universite de Savoie/LAPP       |
|                                 | Chemin de Bellevue, B.P. 110    |
| Tel : +33 (0)450091600          | F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex   |
| e-mail: buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr  | FRANCE                          |