I'm trying to automatically split a Tree with the option Splitlevel.
The code runs, but I get an empty file as output... so, I'm wrong
somewhere. Please help me to understand where! Here is the code:
TTree *hdtt = new TTree("F","FINUDA HDT tree");
hdtt->SetAutoSave(10000000); // autosave when 10 Mbytes written
TFndHdt *fndhdt;
TBranch *b=0;
Int_t bsize = 64000;
Int_t split = 1;
if (b)
b = hdtt->Branch("fndhdt","TFndHdt",&fndhdt,bsize,split);
........ (the fndhdt object is built)
hdtt->Fill(); // within a loop on events
hdtt->Write(); // every 250 events and at end of run
Thanks in advance,