Re: root makefiles

Fons Rademakers (
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 01:45:37 +0200 (METDST)

Hi Stefan,

on RH /usr/include/ansidecl.h is part of binutils:

(pcrdm) [528] rpm -q -f /usr/include/ansidecl.h

binutils is pretty much standard (i.e. independent from RH) interesting
Debian doesn't have this include. Could you check with your local guru.

Cheers, Fons.

> > What Linux distribution are you using? RH4.2,5.0,5.1 have
> > /usr/include/ansidecl.h?
> Debian Linux 2.0 (our local Linux guru keeps us up to date with the latest
> from Debian). I thought this ansidecl.h is part of the compiler package,
> but I am not a Linux expert at all, so I am greatful for any advice on
> this.
> > As said before, the source distribution expects a prior installation
> > of the binary distribution (which contains the directory structure
> > and the libXpm).
> Oops, I missed that again.
> cheers, Stefan
> ---Stefan Kluth---------------Lynen Fellow----------------|\--|\-------
> - LBNL, MS 50A 2160 - phone: +1 510 495 2376 - |/ |/ -
> - 1 Cyclotron Rd. - fax: +1 510 495 2957 - |\/\|\/\|' -
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