As a bit of a novice, I am having some problems with a simple class which
compiles fine but gives me problems when compiling the rootcint files. Could
someone please point out where I go wrong ?
The errors:
improv|test>/usr/local/root/bin/rootcint -f TestCint.cxx -c TVector3.h
Note: operator new() masked 1c
Note: operator delete() masked 1c
improv|test>g++ -O -Wall -fPIC -I/usr/local/root/include -c
TestCint.cxx/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h: In function `int
G__TVector3_TVector3_0_0(struct G__value *, char *, struct G__param *,
/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h:154: method `static void *
TObject::operator new(unsigned int)' is from private base class
TestCint.cxx:26: within this context
/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h: In function `int
G__TVector3_TVector3_2_1(struct G__value *, char *, struct G__param *,
/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h:154: method `static void *
TObject::operator new(unsigned int)' is from private base class
TestCint.cxx:92: within this context
TestCint.cxx:90: warning: `class TVector3 * p' might be used uninitialized
in this function
/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h: In function `int
G__TVector3_wATVector3_3_1(struct G__value *, char *, struct G__param *,
/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h:156: method `static void TObject::operator
delete(void *)' is from private base class
TestCint.cxx:107: within this context
/usr/local/root/include/TObject.h:156: method `static void TObject::operator
delete(void *)' is from private base class
TestCint.cxx:108: within this context
Inputfiles: TVector3.h
#ifndef ROOT_TVector3
#define ROOT_TVector3
#include "TObject.h"
#include <iostream.h>
class TVector3 : TObject {
Float_t x1; // Three components of vector
Float_t x2; // Three components of vector
Float_t x3; // Three components of vector
#ifdef __CINT__
#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;
#pragma link C++ class TVector3;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Maurik Holtrop web: UNH Physics Department tel: (603) 862-2019 | fax: (603) 862-2998 DeMeritt Hall Durham, NH 03824 Home: (603) 659-8765 ----------------------------------------------------------------------