memory mapped files on NT

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9?= Scholte (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 10:02:23 +0200


I would like to use memory mapped files on NT, but I ran into the same
problem mentioned in the mail sent by Marc Pollack on Feb 10th.

In an answer to this mail of Valery Fine, the problem isn't really solved.

I was wondering : has anybody looked into it yet, or is there some other
solution ?

Just to refresh the memory, when you run the hprod.C en two hcons.C, the
first hcons.C immediately quits saying :


Memory mapped file:
Title: Demo memory mapped file with histograms
Option: READ
Mapped Memory region: 0x14a0000 - 0x14b86a0 (0.10 MB)
Current breakval: 0x14ad000
Object Class Size
TH1F 1024
TH2F 8080
TProfile 4096
Error: illegal pointer to class object hpx 0x0 122
.C LINE:42


the second hcons.C doesn't do anything...

thanx in advance,
