macros cannot call virtual functions of compiled base classes.
To make a macro that is doing what you want you need to use
object composition, as shown in the macro $ROOTSYS/dialogs.C,
which I recently published.
Cheers, Fons.
Wei Xie wrote:
> Dear Rooters'
> The following test macro can produce a frame with
> three popup menus: Test, Cancel, Help.
> I failed to connect them with commands that can
> be activated by a mouse click. For example, when click "Close",
> it would not print:
> "deleteing the windows".
> I'v tried to use the function "Associate(this)" but it make no sense.
> Could you tell me what is the problem ?
> Many thanks
> Xie
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> * The test macro *:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> //name: test.c
> // when running, please do the following steps:
> // .L test.c
> // new TestMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(),400,300);
> enum values
> class TestMainFrame : public TGMainFrame
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