root [0] TH1F* h3("h3","h3",10,0.,1.)
root [1] h3
(class TH1F*)0x300000000000000
this is not really a good mem location (obviously segfaults if you try
for example h3->Print() )
but if you do :
root [8] TH1F* h4=new TH1F("h4","h4",10,0.,1.)
root [9] h4
(class TH1F*)0x14017d3e8
root [10] h4.Print()
TH1.Print Name= h4, Total sum= 0
Everything goes OK. Does that mean that we should, for the time being,
avoid using the Cint extensions to C++ also in interactive use and not
only in macros ?
-- ===================================================================== | Damir Buskulic | Universite de Savoie/LAPP | | | Chemin de Bellevue, B.P. 110 | | Tel : +33 (0)450091600 | F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex | | e-mail: | FRANCE | =====================================================================