Re: accessing memory map files via a rootd/apache Server?

Rene Brun (
Fri, 29 May 1998 11:53:08 +0200

HANS WENZEL, FNAL: 630 840 8240 HOME: (630) 393 1756 OR 393 1873 wrote:
> FNAL, 28-MAY-1998
> Dear rooters
> I am interested in remotely accessing a file containing histograms while it is
> being updated in memory. pretty much like one can access static root files
> with rootd or apache as described in the overview on pages 58 to 60.
> basically i would like to expand the examples hcons.C and hprod.C in the
> tutorials area so that hcons runs remotely on a different machine.
> so it would be nice if one could do something like this
> TMapFile *f = TMapFile::Create("root://
> 5151/usr/people/wenzel/bin/root/myroot/")
> Is there any way to implement such a feature?
> thanks

I suggest you look in the hclient and hserv examples in the tutorial
You can make a variant of hserv using internally TMapfile..

Rene Brun
> P.S. root is a great tool and i really appreciate the prompt answers
