Re: scanf from script called by button

Chytracek Radovan (
Fri, 29 May 1998 07:20:08 +0200 (MET DST)

On Thu, 28 May 1998, Richard Hasty wrote:

> Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 17:08:16 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Richard Hasty <>
> To:
> Subject: scanf from script called by button
> Well I'm repeating myself exactly, but I'll try again.
> I'm trying to write some simple scripts that can be called using a button,
> but the scripts need some input. The scripts below illustrate the problem.
> THe read and print script works perfectly when called with ".x
> readtest.c", but when called from a button the string is not printed as
> the user types, even though it seems to read the correct string. The
> feedback is rather important while you are typing. I'm using version
> 2.00/07. Do you know of a way around this problem?
> Thanks,
> Richard Hasty
> buttontest.c
> {
> //Set up a button
> // gROOT->Reset("a");
> bar = new TControlBar("vertical", "SAMPLE");
> bar->AddButton("Read", ".x readtest.c", "Read text");
> bar->Show();
> // gROOT->SaveContext();
> }
> readtest.c:
> {
> char test[80];
> fprintf(stdout,"Read Junk:");
> fscanf(stdin,"%s",test);
> fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",test);
> }

look at the

it could help to solve your problem

Happy ROOTing


# Radovan Chytracek Slovak Academy of Sciences #
# Watsonova 47,Kosice,04001, #
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# phone: +42 95 633 2741-2 , ext. 156 fax : +42 95 633 6292 #
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