Re: Benchmarks Freeze terminal // Need THelix example
Rene Brun (
Wed, 20 May 1998 09:14:39 +0200
Paul Nord wrote:
> Good day,
> Just starting with Root here.
> If I run the benchmark.C the host terminal locks when trying to execute
> na49view.C. I've tried this from other terminals and it does run. But if I'm
> sitting at the console of this DEC UNIX 4.0b system, it locks up when it
> reaches the na49 test. The mouse is still active. A canvas for the na49view
> is drawn. But none of the Pave's are drawn. And the detector never shows up.
> The mouse is still active, but not able to select anything on the screen.
> Nothing is using CPU time. The only way I've found to fix it is to reboot.
You are very likely running on an X terminal with a small memory.
This looks like a problem with your X server.
> Also, Can't seem to instantiate a usable THelix. Can someone point me to an
> example of how this is used?
I have asked Ping Yeh (author of THelix) to provide an extended
explanation of this interesting class together with an example
showing how to use this class to display tracks in a magnetic field.
Rene Brun