As indicated in a recent posting, we are seeking candidates for one or two
postdoctoral positions within Phobos. We would also like to point out that we
may be somewhat flexible as to which job description applies at which location.
If you are interested in either job or location, the simplest thing would be to
send a CV and ask for letters to be sent to both Yale and Brookhaven.
I) Trackfinding expert
II) General physics/software expert
A) Yale University
B) Brookhaven National Laboratory
Contact both:
Prof. Steven Manly & Dr. Mark Baker
Yale University Physics Dept. Brookhaven National Laboratory
564 J.W. Gibbs Laboratory Bldg. 555A
P.O. Box 208121 P.O. Box 5000
New Haven, CT 06520-8121 Upton, NY 11973-5000
with a CV & names and addresses of at least three individuals who can act
as references.