> I am just a beginner concerning root. My question is the following
> is there an automatic procedure which i can use to transform working
> cint macros into standalone c++ programs that i can then link with
> the root libraries. e.g i would like to transform hserv.C and
> hclient.C from the tutorials directory and and then run them
> without having to go through the root command lines.
The good way would be to create a share library with only your code
and load it into the root batch session.
You can pay more but why ?
This way one need very small transformation of his macro if
any. Anyway it can be done with cpp command like
#ifdef __CINT__ #endif
root -b -q <name_of_share_lib>
works well.
Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
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Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
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