this mail seems a bit special, so I do not send it to roottalk. If you
have a comment, which might interest also others, please send it to
I just tried to do many typedefs in a ROOT macro and ran over MAXTYPEDEF
of cint (~1800 in my Linux version). CINT suggests to recompile it with a
changed MAXTYPEDEF in G__c.h.
So I copied the CINT_* and *.h files from the ROOT sources (excluding
certain files which seemed to special for other platforms, and resulted in
duplicate symbols) and did
gcc -c -fPIC -O2 -Wall -I. -I${ROOTSYS}/include -DG__ROOT *.cxx *.c g++
-Wl,-soname, -shared *.o -o
The result (put before $ROOTSYS in LD_LIBRARY_PATH) works well with
rootcint (the error message above has disappeared and the dictionary file
is ok), and root.exe, too, loads the long macro. But now it does not want
to load an additional library any more and says "Error: Bad source file
Apparently I missed certain compiler options. Can I get a list somewhere?
Thank you
-- Christoph Borgmeier Mail: DESY -F15-, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg Humboldt Univ Berlin Phone: +49 40 8998 4850 Email: