bar->AddButton("Start!",".x start.C", "Read 1st event from aticdata.root");
bar->AddButton("Event++",".x nextevent.C", "Next Event read");
bar->AddButton("Track",".x ytrack.C", "Tracking Incident X(Y) Position");
bar->AddButton("HITS-DISPLAY",".x evdisp.C", "DISPLAY HITS");
root> .x aticdemos.C
--> It gives me a controlbar which has four buttons(Start!, Event++, Track,
HITS-DISPLAY) vertically.
First two buttons(Start!, Event++) work well.
In some reason the other two buttons(Track, "HITS-DISPLAY) does not
work. Whein I click it, it gives Sigmentation Violation Error message.
However, when I execute them manually instead of using controlbar
(root> .x ytrack.C
root> .x .x evdisp.C)
Those are working well without any problem.
Note: ytrack.C & evdisp.C include several plots while start.C &
nextevent.C do not have them.
Thanks in advance!