I'm a (very) new user of root, and as an aid to learning, I'm putting
together a 'root cheat sheet', a list of questions and answers about
using root. Pretty basic questions, the things a new user would want to
know. A preliminary copy is available at my home page (see below).
I have a lot of questions, but right now, I'd appreciate some help on
two basic ones:
1: I've converted over a PAW hbook ntuple to a root tree. Now, how do
I use that tree? I'd like to do histograms on it, but
tree->Draw("event"); doesn't work, even though the variable "event"
exists. Is there anything I'm missing?
2: Is there a way to find out what variables are in an ntuple? (Could
be very handy for transferring files!) PAW++ has such a feature.
Steve Beach
--Penn State University Experimental Particle Astrophysics 104 Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802 asb4@psu.edu, http://landau.phys.psu.edu/people/beach/Untitled.html
------------------------------------------------------------ | Can't keep my mind from the circling sky | | Tongue tied and twisted, just an earth bound misfit I | ------------------------------------------------------------