Still same TSortedList Problems...

Tim Miller (
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 10:07:57 -0500

Greetings all,

I thought changing versions might help after I reported this
wierd (buggy?) behavior last month. However, nothing has changed.
This problem was in 1.03 and also in 2.00/02 on the Digital Unix
port (g++ compiled).

I have a class that I wanted to store in a sorted linked list
so I obviously chose the TSortedList. I defined the functions,
as specified in the documentation, made the dictionary files,
etc. etc. Everything is working just fine with respect to my
own objects, manipulation of them, storing of them, etc.

Except the sorting. When I define my TSortedList as follows (for

gMultSort = new TSortedList(1);

The output (except for the interchange of 2 elements) for a list
of 10 objects is identical to the order of the input. However,
when I change the sort to a DESCENDING sort by:

gMultSort = new TSortedList(0);

The output is correctly sorted in the descending direction.

Any ideas guys and gals?

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Tim Miller                   |  "Am I mature enough to get old?"
   Vanderbilt University     |                  --Me.
                             |  "With the amount of horse manure
 Graduate Studies in Physics |   currently in the air, the
   Relativistic Heavy Ions   |   pigs are starting to complain!"
                             |                  --Andrew Rose