Hi Sean,
Root does not support (yet) the interpretation of Postscript
special symbols on the screen or GIF files.
What you can do is to generate the ps file, then convert this file
into gif format using standard utilities.
The macro togif.C below illustrates how to do it.
Rene Brun
// this macro illustrates how to make a GIF file with a canvas
// containing greek characters. (Unix only)
void togif()
// execute the Root tutorial macro psexam.
// this macro shows how to use Postscript special symbols.
// make a Postscript eps file from the default canvas c1
char file[] = "psexam";
char cmd[100];
// convert the eps file into a GIF file. On Unix systems, this can be
// via 2 standard utilities found in /usr/local/bin/X11
sprintf(cmd,"pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait
sprintf(cmd,"ppmtogif %s.eps001.ppm >%s.gif",file,file);