Backward compatibility and the Event object model

Laurent Aphecetche (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 14:51:11 +0200


I've got some problem with my Event model and its evolution in time.

I used this :

Event 1
RBHeader fHeader ;
Int_t fNparticleEM ;
Int_t fNparticleHADR ;
TOrdCollection* fParticleEM ;
TOrdCollection* fParticleHADR ;


and produced some trees in split mode with this.

Now, I would like to use :

Event 2
RBHeader fHeader ;
Int_t fNparticleEM ;
Int_t fNparticleHADR ;
Int_t fNparticleGEANT ;
TOrdCollection* fParticleEM ;
TOrdCollection* fParticleHADR ;
TOrdCollection* fParticleGEANT ;

I used to think (naively, obviously) that reading back the type 1 trees
would be a matter
of dealing with the class version number in Event::Streamer. But it
seems that this
routine is not called at all when reading back the tree (written in
split mode).

So how can I deal with this evolving event class ? Am I lost or is there
a solution ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

APHECETCHE Laurent (       
GANIL, B.P. 5027, 14076, Caen Cedex 5, France 
Vox: +33 (0)2 31 45 45 85 - Fax: +33 (0)2 31 45 46 65         
WWW: & (perso.)