Rene Brun writes:
> O'NEEL Bruce wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > In looking at two questions
> > come to mind.
> >
> > 1. Is there some documentation on the root:// protocal
> > 2. Can you access other files other than root ones, ie, does rootd
> > know something about root files, or, is it just sending the byte
> > ranges you ask for.
> >
> > I'm interested in them because I'd like to add a root:// protocal
> > handler to cfitsio to match it with the ftp:// and http:// protocal
> > handlers, and, I'd prefer not to reverse engineer it from the code if
> > possible. While we're at it, is the source for rootd available?
> >
> rootd is described at URL:
> You can import the source file for rootd via URL
> rootd itself does not know anything about the Root files.
> It is a simple program (1000 lines) that controls user access,
> open/close files and read/write a stream of bytes from/to a
> byte address in the file.
> I would suggest you look into the well documented source file
> to see what the current protocol is doing. Extending the protocol
> should be pretty easy.
> In the case of Root itself, the class TNetFile exploit the root
> protocol.
> TNetFile is derived from TFile and redefines only the functions
> writing/reading a stream of bytes at a very low level.
> Rene Brun