Surface plot.

Bosko Ivanisevic (ivanisev@sezampro.yu)
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 16:22:33 +0100


I am calculating saddle point energies and fission barriers for large set of
compound nuclei. These energies depend on more than two variables and thay
are calculated in separate program. As a result I get numeric values of
saddle point energies and fission barriers for different angular momenta and
different modes of fission (masses and charges of fission fragments). I
wanted to draw these energies as a function of (L,A) or (L,Z) with surf4
option. Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to do this. Is there a way to
read numeric values of variables and function from file and to draw function
with surf4 (Gouraud) option?

Bosko Ivanisevic,
Laboratory for Physics
Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca