except for point 5) there is not yet a plan to add these features.
Clearly some are desireable and I hope you, or some other people, will
provide them. The sources of the new GUI are quite clean and clear
and it should not be too difficult to add these features. I'll be more
than happy to merge the diffs in the code base. Below I add
some hints on how to proceed:
ROHLFS Reiner wrote:
> Dear ROOT Team,
> I looked to the new ROOT GUI and I'm missing some features. Please correct me
> if I'm wrong and tell me where I can find these features:
> 1) Multi selectable list box
Implement like "shift left button click" to add other items to selection.
To get items use same interface as in TGListView which has multi select:
virtual const TGLVEntry *GetNextSelected(void **current);
virtual Int_t NumItems() const { return fTotal; }
virtual Int_t NumSelected() const { return fSelected; }
> 2) Horizontal scroll bar in a list box with long text
See how TGCanvas is managing a horizontal scrollbar when contents is too
large to fit.
> 3) Disable/ enable of widgets
See how menu items are draw in disabled mode.
> 4) Password mode in the TGTextEntry class
Intercept typing and put *'s.
> 5) Multi line TGTextEntry class
Is coming.
> 6) Define the first visible text entry in a list box and a combo box
Scroll to desired item.
> 7) Define the color of the text
Could be changed for all text in widget via graphics context. Currently
no multi color text in same widget.
I am currently working on some small extensions to better facilitate
scripting via the interpreter.
Cheers, Fons.
-- Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 7679248 E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch Fax: +41 22 7677910