root [0] TClonesArray* tps = new TClonesArray("TH1F",5);
root [1] dummy = new((*tps)[0]) TH1F("bname0","btitle0",40,-20.,200);
root [6] ((*tps)[0])->Draw();
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
Regards, Pasha
Dirk Meier writes:
> Hi,
> I want to create a TClonesArray with pointers to histograms.
> Later I need to fill these histograms in a loop from a tree
> with the >> .
> First I excersided this
> root [0] TH1F* b = new TH1F("bname","btitle",40,-20.,200);
> root [1] b->Draw();
> Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
> o.k. this worked, but now
> root [2] TClonesArray* tps = new TClonesArray("TH1F",5);
> root [3] dummy = new(tps[0]) TH1F("bname0","btitle0",40,-20.,200);
> root [4] tps[0]->Draw();
> Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
> *** Break *** segmentation violation
> ( 0) 0xc14f5d40 StackTrace__11TUnixSystemFv + 0x28
> [/afs/]
> this did not work.
> Also bname0->Draw() does not work.
> (I do not know exactly why the new operator with placement requires
> a syntax like `dummy new() ..', I use it in other programs
> without `dummy', but CINT would complain..).
> Later I want to iterate over the histogram objects in the
> TClonesArray like
> Float_t tEntries[5];
> Char_t tWhat[30];
> for(Int_t s = 0; s < 5; s++) {
> sprintf(tWhat,"fTPS%d>>bname%d",s); // fTPS is leave in my TTree T
> T->Draw(tWhat,"");
> tEntries[s] = tps[s]->GetIntegral(); // also access other properties
> here
> }
> .. which did not work so far.
> Is there an example how to iterate through a TClonesArray
> with histograms and fill them from e.g. a TTree or TNtuple?
> I also need to access the histograms like in tps[s]->GetIntegral()
> thanks for any help
> Dirk