Re: TString question

Nick van Eijndhoven (
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 16:09:52 +0100 (MET)

*** Radovan Chytracek wrote :
> On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, Nick van Eijndhoven wrote:
> > char* ch;
> > TString* s=new TString("small_test");
> > ch=(char*)s->GetContents();
> Try the following:
> char *ch;
> TString* s = new TString("small_test");
> ch = s->Data();
> or
> ch = StrDup(s->Data());
> Happy ROOTing
> Radovan
Hi Radovan,
Thanks for your quick reply.
Indeed I tried also :

TString* s; // In the private area of my class

s = new TString("small_test"); // In one of the initialisation
// member functions

char* ch=s->Data(); // In another member function.

However, the last statement gives me an error message in ROOT

"illegal pointer to class object".

I also tried : char* ch=(char*)s->Data();
char* ch=(const char*)s->Data();

but nothing worked.

Note that I have a small macro in which I create an object
of my class, through which the above statements are invoked via the
various member functions.

The strange thing however is that when I type the above statements in
by hand in my ROOT session, everyrhing looks o.k.
Has someone any idea ?


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Dr. Nick van Eijndhoven Department of Subatomic Physics
email : Utrecht University / NIKHEF
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