As I did not recieve any answer to my questions, I send them again
hoping that someone would mind answer it.
If this is not the place to send these kinds of questions, please=20
let me know.
Gilles Quemener
> X-Authentication-Warning: Host
[] claimed to be
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 09:30:38 -0500
> From: Gilles Quemener <>
> To:
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-MD5: x9Y4Is7MYORSVrZVAltQiA=3D=3D
> Hello,
> Currently I am trying to print a text as "preliminary results"
> on a canvas containing 2 pads with two graphics.
> I am doing that interactively using the button "text" from the
> canvas editor.
> If I write the text on one pad and then turn it and scale it
> so that it should be visible on both pads (graphics), the final
> result is that only part of the text positionned on the original
> pad is visible.
> I tried also to writ the text directly from the canvas background
> and move it around: same result, only text positionned on the
> canvas is visible, other parts are under the two pads?
> Any hints are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Gilles Qu=E9m=E9ner =20
> __________________________________________________________
> Gilles Qu=E9m=E9ner (Bldg 16 - Room 123)
> Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
> 12000 Jefferson Avenue Newport News VA 23606
> Tel (757) 269-5304 - Fax (757) 269-6273
> =20
Gilles Qu=E9m=E9ner (Bldg 16 - Room 123)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Avenue Newport News VA 23606
Tel (757) 269-5304 - Fax (757) 269-6273