TGraph, and TGraphErrors do not take the "SAME" argument in their Draw
functions. To overlay, simply drop the "A" from the draw argument.
In your code sample, I have put in the modified line.
See tutorial 18 in the web pages for more details.
On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Jayoung Wu wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to plot two graphs on a plot using "TGraph". How I can do it?
> ========================== part of my code ====================
> ...
> TGraph *gr0 = new TGraph(pnoy,iypos,pzzy);
> TGraph *gr = new TGraph(pnoy,pypos,pzzy);
> pad0->Draw();
> pad0->cd();
> Float_t xr[2] = {-23.0,23.0};
> Float_t yr[2] = {-25,48.25};
> Int_t nch = 2;
> gr0->PaintGraph(nch,xr,yr,"AP");
> gr0->Draw("AL*");
> gr->SetMarkerColor(4);
> gr->SetMarkerStyle(21);
> gr->Draw("Same");
gr->Draw("L"); // for example a line graph on the same plot.
// Do not put the A in.
> pad0->Modified();
> ================================================================
> When I execute the macro, it plot only "gr0" not "gr" without any warning
> or error message. Do you have any idea?
> TF1 seems to be able to superimpose a plot on top of existing picture.
> Is TGraph able to do it?
> ---
> Thanks a lot!
> Jayoung