Re: ROOT used inside MFC MDI app

Valery Fine (
Mon, 2 Mar 1998 17:39:33 -0500

On 2 Mar 98 at 13:28, William J Deninger wrote:

> From: "William J Deninger" <>
> To: "roottalk" <>
> Subject: ROOT used inside MFC MDI app
> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 13:28:11 -0600

> keywords:
> MS - Microsoft
> MFC - Microsoft Foundation Class
> MDI - Multiple Document Interface
> >From previous roottalk correspondences, I remember mentioned that
> the WinNT/Win95 port actually has two threads (composing two message
> handling loops): one for the CINT commands, the other for CINT window
> messages.

First is build a WIN32 Console application !!!
Why? By historic reason and because ROOT has a so-called batch mode.
It is very WIN32 console application anyway.

It has 3 threads (the last one was introduced 7 momths ago)

1. Console - initial appl thread
2. Main CINT thread to call CINT
3. Windows - to manage Windows

> One of these (I think) is the initial application thread.

Right, It it thread #1.

> The MFC application itself has a message loop (virtual CWndApp::Run()) which
> can be overloaded in order to change application behavior. The MFC
> message loop traditionally is the application thread because it
> makes no special thread provisions

> What I'm trying to do in the simplest of terms is get the ROOT
> canvases attached (as child windows) to the MDI application main
> frame window, and have the all window messaging handled by the same
> application thread message loop.

> The ROOT CINT command thread would be an additional thread worker thread.

See my first remark. The current ROOT is designed as WIN32 Console
application. I doesn't create any console itself. It expects the OS
creates the console (a'la UNIX). Changing things may lead to some
significant change in the WIN32 classes.

> Adding WS_EX_MDICHILD to the window style and replacing the NULL
> window handle with the HWND of the mainframe in
> TGWin32WindowsObject::CreateWindowsObject was a failed attempt, but
> I had not combined CWndApp and ROOT message loops. Does anyone in
> ROOTLAND have a suggestion for implementing this, or perhaps know of
> a place I might go for more information?

Uhhh, It seems to me it would be not easy.

I have no clue but would like to provide a few tips.

1. TGWin32WindowsObject is derived from TGWin32Object
2. TGWin32Object has the data member:

TWin32CallBackList fWinAction; // List of the callback functions to manage the events tips to let

and the method:
LRESULT CallCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

Since you are making WIN32 application I hope you may recognize the
list of the parameter for "CallCallback" is just a "native" WIN32 message.

3. Now I am calling your attention to WIN32_GWIN32.cxx file.

Here one can find the Windows Procedure for all ROOT windows:

// //
// Main Universal Windows procedure to manage all dispatched events //
// //

if (uMsg == WM_CREATE) return ::OnCreate(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
else {
TGWin32Object* lpWin32Object = ((TGWin32Object*)GetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_USERDATA));
if (lpWin32Object) {
((TGWin32WindowsObject *)lpWin32Object)->StartPaint();
LRESULT ret_value = lpWin32Object->CallCallback(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
((TGWin32WindowsObject *)lpWin32Object)->FinishPaint();
return ret_value;
else return ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

Just you may call this WinProc for all ROOT MDI you carted it
will (may be ?) live.

4. The last, How to manage the Windows thread ? That's question for you. But
I'd like to call your attention to

unsigned int _stdcall ROOT_MsgLoop(HANDLE ThrSem)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ROOT_MsgLoop*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ============
//*-* Launch a separate thread to handle the ROOTCLASS messages

When ROOT is going to create any Canvas it sends the message
You have to catch the FIRST message and create the object of
CWndApp *ROOT_MDI_Parent = new CWndApp(...),
then call


Very likely you have to supply your own version of

ROOT_MsgLoop(HANDLE ThrSem).

It should not difficaul since it is a simple function, and it belongs
NO class at all.

Hope this helps,
With my regards,
Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
------------------- Phone: +1 516 344 7806
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Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
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