On 26 Feb 98 at 11:45, you wrote:
> I've just discovered how to use the documentation generating THtml
> class, and to my surprise the class doesn't seem to be available on
> the WinNT platform.
They were not generated since WIN32 specific part contains the
"native" microsoft include file. And they are included into the
parsing to produce the HTML format. But the M$ WIN32 include files are
written with Microsoft C/C++ extensions which our great CINT doesn't
understand yet.
Sure some classes can be parsed but this should be done "by hand"
and "per classes". (By the way I didn't find any Motif HTML class
docs too). We didn't create any dictionary for WIN32 level. With no
dictionary one can not use WIN32 classes from command line directly
(this means one can not create any non-portable application), RTTI
information is not provided and HTML description can not be built
"by automatic" too.
As result the creating the "Full" HTML description was postponed.
> I couldn't find any reference to this in ROOTTALK , in the root tutorials
> or in the THtml class
So far nobody asked how TWIN32 looks from insight.
PS. I'd like to mention that with Microsoft Developer Studio
one can create a ROOT project and navigate all ROOT code (with Win32
part all together) but locally. :-(
Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
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Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
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