Re: debugging of macros

Masaharu Goto (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 10:16:51 JST


Try as follows,

root[0] .S # turn on step exec mode
root[1] .x macro.C # Run macro
FILE:macro.C LINE:?? cint> [Return] # You can step through the code
FILE:macro.C LINE:?? cint> [Return] # by [Return], .S or .s command
FILE:macro.C LINE:?? cint> .C # .C conitnue command

Masaharu Goto

> hi,
> I'd like to debug my macros stepwise (like in PAW). In the documentation
> I just found a debugger for interpreted classes/code. Is there a way
> to step from line to line through a macro that is just a list of
> simple command line instructions?
> Judith