class TControlBar

Krieg, M. (
Tue, 17 Feb 98 12:29:00 W

I am writing a scientific programm and would like to use the ROOT facilities
both for the user interface and to display and print the graphs of input
and output data on the screen. Concerning the user interface I have the
following question about the controlbar: it seems to me (as far as I
understood your responses in the mailing list) that it is possible to attach
pure C++ code to a controlbar button instead of a CINT-makro. What I want to
do is to attach a function of my own class TSolution to the button, to get a
graph of my solution when the button is pressed.

Here is a piece of code of the main program:

TSolution mySolution;
TControlBar *bar= new TControlbar("vertical");

bar->AddButton("ShowSolution","mySolution.Display()","a graph of the current
solution is shown");


Trying that, I always get the error message "No symbol mySolution.Display
in current scope" which appears clear to me, because mySolution is not known
in the scope of TControlBar.
Nevertheless, is there a way to use the controlbar as a user interface mixed
with own code like I was trying it?

Any help would be appreciated A LOT!
