TBRIK size

Alexander Zvyagin (zvyagin@mx.ihep.su)
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 15:35:25 GMT+03:00

IHEP, Protvino, Russia, 16-FEB-1998

Dear all!

Is it possible to obtain volume size (dx,dy,dz) of TBRIK object?


Float_t dx=1, dy=2, dz=3;
TBRIK box("box","This is box","void",dx,dy,dz);

another_function(TGeometry &g)
TIter next(g.GetListOfShapes());
while( TShape *shape = (TShape*) next() )
if( !strcmp(shape->ClassName(),"TBRIK") )
cout << form("TBRIK size: dx=%g dy=%g dz=%g\n",???,???,???);

If I understand TBRIK source file correctly, there isn't such possibility.

May be it will be good to add this feature (for TBRIK, TPCON, TTUBE, ...)
to ROOT system?

Alexander Zvyagin.