[Fwd: Re: Text in Pads]

Rene Brun (Rene.Brun@cern.ch)
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 10:39:24 +0100

Message-ID: <34DB2A9B.14EBE086@mail.cern.ch>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 16:22:05 +0100
From: Rene Brun <brun@mail.cern.ch>
Organization: CERN. European Lab. for Particle Physics
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To: Stephen_Eichblatt <eichblat@fibb01.fnal.gov>
CC: roottalk@hpsalo.cern.ch
Subject: Re: Text in Pads
References: <9802030549.AA32826@fibb01.fnal.gov>
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Stephen_Eichblatt wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to draw a histogram in a pad and then place some text at a given
> location in the pad. (eg. the center of the pad).
> But it seems that the co-ordinate frame in the pad goes to the histogram co-ordinates
> once the histogram is drawn, so finding the center of the pad depends on the histogram.
> I thought the Pad->DrawTextNDC(0.5,0.5,"hello") would work, but it doesn't
> do what i thought (it does nothing as far as i can see).
> Other than getting the histogram information, is there a way to position text
> in a pad?

In the current version 1.03, you cannot draw directly a TText in NDC,
other than getting the histogram information.
I have implemented this feature in our dev version.
You can use a TPaveLabel however. Example:
TPaveLabel *label = new TPaveLabel(0.4,0.45,0.5,0.55,"Hello","brNDC");

You can get vthe text only via a trick

Rene Brun