.L cjjFit.C
TF1* cjjFit = new TF1("cjjFit",cjjFit,-1,1,4);
This works. I then decide to edit cjjFit.C to change the function.
But when I type
delete cjjFit;
.U cjjFit.C
I get a message saying
Error: G__unloadfile() File "cjjFit.C" not loaded FILE: LINE:0
I now edit the file and save it. Then I type
.L cjjFit.C
TF1* cjjFit = new TF1("cjjFit",cjjFit,-1,1,4);
The draw fails. The function is simply a line at y=0. Note this occurs
even if I do not edit the file.
Any ideas? Thanks,
= =
= Chris Jillings =
= Department of Physics phone/voice mail: (613) 545-6000x4805 =
= Queen's University fax: (613) 545-6813 =
= Kingston, Ontario email: chris@mips2.phy.queensu.ca =
= Canada, K7L 3N6 web: http://snodaq.phy.queensu.ca =
= =