TTree BranchClones

Axel Schwank (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:33:36 +0100 (MET)

Dear Rooters,

I have a problem creating branches in case each event consits of several
TClonesArrays; this is the case C described in the TTree class manual.
The constructor for creating branches of this type is

TTree::Branch(const Text_t *name, TClonesArray *list, Int_t bufsize, Int_t

Unfortunately, there is no example given for this method of how to create
and fill a tree. I want to use this method because I don't want to store
all the data of one event, but only a certain subset, e.g. tracks.
For this purpose, method C seems apropriate.

The event class I am using is similar to the famous class Event used in
the ROOT tutorials, where the data member fTracks is a pointer to a
TClonesArray, which itself is built of the class Track.
So I try to create a branch like this

Int_t bufsize = 64000;
Int_t split = 1;
event = new Event();
TTree *tree = new TTree("T","Example of a tree of TBranchClones");
TBranch *bTracks = tree->Branch("Tracks",event->fTracks,bufsize,split);

But invoking this constructor does not create the desired branch bTracks,
as can be recognized by looking at the address of bTracks which is 0.

What am I doing wrong ?
Could there be a little example and documentation on this method of
creating a tree with several branches, when the branches should consist of
TClonesArrays (method C) ?

Thanks for the support !!!


Axel Schwank

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