Announcing a new tool: gh2root (Geant3 kine/hits to Root)

Rene Brun (
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 14:54:00 +0100

We are pleased to announce the availability of a new tool :GH2ROOT

gh2root is a small program that generates automatically C++ code
corresponding to the Geant3 structures JSET, JVERTX, JKINE, JHITS
and JDIGI. For more details see the URLs:

It is our intention to extend this code generator in such a way that
a Geant3 based application could be completly controlled from
a C++/Root based interface.

Note that if some member functions of the class XRun are Geant3
specific, all the other functions can also be used in a non-Geant3
based Monte-Carlo.

We are now leaving for a workshop at SLAC. We will back February 6.
We apologize in advance if some mails take more time to be processed.

Rene Brun
Fons Rademakers