> Howdy all!
> Before I go out and write this code, I was wondering
> if there is any "ROOT official" code for the (in)famous
> lundtogeant FORTRAN code? It's trivial to write but I
> was just wondering if that functionality is lying
> around.
> Also, since I'm referring to dreaded Fortran routines,
> any ROOT abilities to read namelists from ASCII files?
The Root class TPythia is an interface between Root
and the Pythia/Jetset generators. This interface uses
a TClonesArray of TMCParticle to import the data
from the Lund/Jetset format.
An example of use of this interface is also given in our
recently released ATLFAST package (the ATLAS fast
Monte-Carlo). See Root news for more details.
We are now polishing a new tool "gh2root"
gh2root generates automatically C++ classes based on Root
from the GEANT3 kinematics and hits structures.
The generated code can be used to automatically convert
a GEANT Zebra/FZ file with KINE and HITS structures
into a Root Tree.
The Root Tree has the following advantages compared to the traditional
storage with Zebra or equivalent.
- direct access to any event on the file
- selective reading of event subsets
- histogramming facility.
- The generated Root file is much smaller (typically by a factor 2).
We will announce this tool in the coming days.
People interested by this facility can contact me directly.
I am looking for more examples and data.
Rene Brun