it is forbidden to have a call to non-default constructor in the include file.
You should construct `tracks' in the class `Simple' constructor instead:
Simple::Simple() : tracks("MPXPAIR", 10) {
Regards, Pasha.
William J. Deninger writes:
> Hello,
> I've discovered that I'm unable to compile a class with a TClonesArray data
> member using MCVC v5.0 compiler without an error. Is it not syntactically
> correct to have a data member use a specialized constructor within the class
> declaration?
> // code..
> #include "TObject.h"
> #include "MPXPAIR.h" // class MPXPAIR inherits TObject
> #include "TClonesArray.h"
> class Simple : public TObject
> {
> public:
> Simple();
> virtual ~Simple();
> TClonesArray tracks("MPXPAIR", 10);
> ClassDef(Simple,1)
> };
> // compile message
> Compiling...
> Simple.cpp
> D:\Root-Trace\Simple.h(18) : error C2059: syntax error : 'string'
> Error executing cl.exe.
> Simple.obj - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> Of course, if I have the a variable of type TClonesArray instantiated from
> within a member function, things compile perfectly but I loose the "public"
> accessibility of the variable. To get around the error I can make the
> declared data member a pointer of type TClonesArray and having the memory
> allocated and constructor called from with the Simple class constructor.
> But this seems to have repercussions on my ability to use Simple in a TTree
> with splitlevel = 1. My whole reason for using TClonesArray was to get away
> from pointers.
> How should I be approaching this? And much thanks for all your help.
> William Deninger