make sure that each class definition contains the ClassDef macro, e.g.
and that each implementation file contains the ClassImp macro:
Further each class that wants to do I/O needs a default constructor, e.g.:
hit::hit() { ... }
Check carefully the Event example and read the web pages starting at
If problems persist send me privately the header that causes the problems.
Or check with local FNAL ROOT gure Pasha Murat.
Cheers, Fons.
> Hi,
> I am trying to build a class into root. I am running on Linux, root 1.03/06.
> The event class is called "event" and it has a "hit" object as a member.
> This is analogous to the example in the test directory in the distribution.
> I find that i must put the headers for both classes in the same file,
> and also i must put the and files together.
> If i don't, i get compilation errors like:
> eventDict.o: In function `G__hit_hit_0_0__FP8G__valuePcP8G__parami':
> eventDict.o(.text+0xef): undefined reference to `hit::hit(void)'
> eventDict.o(.text+0x13e): undefined reference to `hit::hit(void)'
> eventDict.o: In function `G__hit_read_1_0__FP8G__valuePcP8G__parami':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x1e4): undefined reference to `hit::read(int)'
> eventDict.o: In function `G__hit_ImplFileName_4_0__FP8G__valuePcP8G__parami':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x2b1): undefined reference to `hit::ImplFileName(void)'
> eventDict.o: In function `G__hit_ImplFileLine_5_0__FP8G__valuePcP8G__parami':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x2f1): undefined reference to `hit::ImplFileLine(void)'
> eventDict.o: In function `G__hit_Class_7_0__FP8G__valuePcP8G__parami':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x371): undefined reference to `hit::Class(void)'
> eventDict.o: In function `G__hit_Dictionary_8_0__FP8G__valuePcP8G__parami':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x3bd): undefined reference to `hit::Dictionary(void)'
> eventDict.o: In function `operator>>(TBuffer &, hit *&)':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x1f52): undefined reference to `hit::Class(void)'
> eventDict.o: In function `hit::IsA(void) const':
> eventDict.o(.text+0x2555): undefined reference to `hit::Class(void)'
> /tmp/cca008011.o: In function `event::event(void)':
> /home/eichblat/root-macro/treeTest/mcEvents/ undefined reference to `hit::hit(void)'
> I am making the eventDict files with the following command:
> : event.h LinkDef.h
> $(ROOTCINT) -f $@ -c event.h hit.h LinkDef.h
> where LinkDef.h says :
> #ifdef __CINT__
> #pragma link off all globals;
> #pragma link off all classes;
> #pragma link off all functions;
> #pragma link C++ class hit;
> #pragma link C++ class event;
> #endif
> I really don't know what i am doing, but i would like to separate the source
> code into separate files. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Steve Eichblatt
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