I'm running into a problem, I believe, with the following construct:
typedef enum _elementHDUtype elementHDUtype;
void encodeHDUtype(elementHDUtype type, char *str);
I'm not sure how to tell rootcint about the type elementHDUtype so that
I can run a macro of the form:
char tmp[100];
and get tmp assigned the value of "IMAGE"
--Bruce O'Neel phone: +41 22 950 91 22 (direct) INTEGRAL Science Data Centre +41 22 950 91 00 (switchb.) Chemin d'Ecogia 16 fax: +41 22 950 91 33 CH-1290 VERSOIX e-mail: Bruce.Oneel@obs.unige.ch Switzerland WWW: http://obswww.unige.ch/isdc/