> Hi!
> I want to store object of class MYCLASS in one TTree branch.
> What object types my class MYCLASS can contain?
> class MYCLASS : public TObject
> {
> Obj1 o1;
> Obj2 o2;
> // ....
> };
> >From the example $ROOTSYS/test/Event.h this objects Obj1,Obj2,... are:
> Int_t,UInt_t,Float_t,....
> TClonesArray
> TH1F*
> What is about TArray, TLeaf?
> Is it possible to have Int_t[] (with non-constant length) in MYCLASS or I
> should create TClonesArray of Int_t?
> Thanks,
> Alexander Zvyagin.
The rules to create a Tree and its branch(es) are explained at URL:
see in particular the section "Making a Tree with many branches"
Rene Brun