> Thinking about possible format of the DST (mini-DST) written with
> ROOT, one naturally comes to something more or less close to the following
> scheme:
> - the data are organized into a tree with just one branch,
> corresponding to the experimental runs. Object written into this branch
> (run record) contains:
> - begin run record (if any)
> - tree of events (event record in general goes into several branches)
> - end run record (if any)
> There are examples in ROOT tests/tutorials of how to deal with the simpliest
> trees, consisting of one or several linear branches (branch itself is not a tree
> but just a collection of leaves).
> It would be quite helpful to have an example of writing out (filling) more
> complex tree structure, for example the one described above.
> Thanks, Pasha.
We will post soon a more complete example of a Tree structure.
This example is based on ATLFast , the ATLAS fast MonteCarlo
that we have recently developed in collaboration with the ATLAS team.
This example creates a Tree with all the RUN information.
It illustrates how to use the TClonesArray container class.
There is also an example of event display (2-d and 3-d)
+ an interesting use of TBrowser to browse all ATLFast objects
including the particles genealogy.
Rene Brun