> Hi,
> I want to use a function to control the weighting of histograms projected
> from an ntuple. i.e. I define some function
> float weight(float var) { .... return weight;}
> and then when I project the histogram I use this function and a variable
> from the ntuple:
> nt->Draw("x>>h1","weight(z)")
> where x and z are ntuple variables. The problem is that I get an error
> message
> Unknown name : "weight(z)"
> Now this does work if I use some library routine like sin(z). How can I
> define my own weighting functions? Thanks,
This feature is not implemented in TTree::Draw.
Only standard mathematical functions can be called.
For a more sophisticated analysis with user defined functions
use TTree::MakeCode to generate the skeleton of an analysis
Rene Brun