> Hi All,
> we have a very nice (I think -:)) Linear Algebra package ready for release.
> There is one fundamental point on which I would like to get input.
> The question is:
> Should matrices and vectors by default range from
> 0 - n-1 (like arrays in C/C++)
> or
> 1 - n (like in math and Fortran)
> I've heard arguments in favour of the C/C++ style (we are programming
> in C++, aren't we) and the math style (this is a math package and in
> math we start at 1).
I think this question is more important concerning oprators [] ()
(take ith elem. from matrix/vector) becouse they are more frequent in
use and what about having two operators one [] indexed "a la C" from 0
to n-1 and second one "()" fortran-like indexed from 1 to n.