we have a very nice (I think -:)) Linear Algebra package ready for release.
There is one fundamental point on which I would like to get input.
The question is:
Should matrices and vectors by default range from
0 - n-1 (like arrays in C/C++)
1 - n (like in math and Fortran)
I've heard arguments in favour of the C/C++ style (we are programming
in C++, aren't we) and the math style (this is a math package and in
math we start at 1).
Notice, that the package can handle any lower and upper limit. The
issue is what should be the default value of the lowerbound argument:
0, 1?
Please, let me know.
Cheers, Fons.
-- Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 7679248 E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch Fax: +41 22 7677910