> A few question on graphics.
> * I want to draw an event in a TCanvas. An event is made of several
> detectors (which corresponds to a class). How can I have a context menu
> when I draw my detectors (i.e. how can I put my object on the canvas ?)
We have an HOWTO in preparation explaining this.To have a class member
function appearing as a ContextMenu item,
simply add teh following string in the comment field of thefunction
// *MENU*
See examples in header files of TCanvas, TPad, TAttLine,etc
> * Once I have my detectors on the canvas, I want the user to be able to
> push a button which launch the some computation using the data of the
> current event. Is this possible with the TControlBar ?
> Yes, you can do it with a TControlBar, but I suggest you use the class
TButton instead.As I already mentionned several times to this list, we
will make available
at the end of this month a real example developped in collaboration
with ATLAS illustrating all the facets of Root and in particular
how to make an event display.
Rene Brun