> Hello, In the following code sequence, I don;t seem to find the
> TRotMatrix constructor
> TRotMatrix::TRotMatrix(Text_t *name, Text_t *title, Double_t theta,
> Double_t phi, Double_t psi)
> :TNamed(name,title) operational. The Geant six angle constructor
> however does seem to change the orientation of the object
> cone. {...TCONE *cone1 = new TCONE("cone1","cone1","mat15",2,0,2,0,0);
> cone1->SetVisibility(1);
> Node1 = new TNode("RING","RING","RING");
> Node1->cd(); rot = new TRotMatrix("rme","rme", 90,0,180);
> TNode *fme = new TNode("fme","fme","cone1", 0,0,0,"rme");
> ...} Any suggestions?
The suggestion is unfortunately very simple. You have to use the
constructor a la GEANT. The other one with only 3 parameters is
not operational and we should print an error message.
We still have a few functions in the system with the proposed API but
an empty implementation.
Rene Brun