> *********************************************************************
> Hi,
> The above is part of my codes for 2D histogram with color option.
> By layer1->Draw("color"), a box is drawn for each cell with color scale
> (50 different color range) varying with contents. Actually I don't need
> 50 colors. Is there any way I can assign colors by contents?
> For example, 0.0001<= content < 0.001 dark blue
> 0.001<= < 0.01 light blue
> 0.01 <= < 0.1 light green
> 0.1 <= < 1. dark green
> 1 <= < 10. yellow
> 10 <= < 100. red
> 100. <= < 1000. purple
You can play with the following example macro illustrating how to set
a new color palette, set the number of contours and set the color
associated to a contour level.
TFile f("hsimple.root");
Int_t colors[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
float levels[]={1,10,14,22,45,60,200,300,400,500,600,700};
//the color corresponding to the minimum is the FillColor +1;
Rene Brun